Support Teams

Support teams are a vital part of the event and Yompers could not complete the challenge without their help – it is a hugely important role and we want them to feel part of the event. Up to two support team crew will receive breakfast on a Saturday morning at the Start and finish location Gravelly Point Arlington. Support crews are welcome to join the Friday night feast. Tickets are $10 per person and can be purchased by participants when they register.

What are the support team’s key roles on the day?

  • To look after any team member who drops out along the route,
  • To be a familiar face, laden with treats and moral support whenever they need it,
  • To help administer basic first aid support to any team member who needs it – you may need to attend to a few blisters, for example,
  • To carry additional equipment for the participating team around the route, including food, drink, and spare kit,
  • To keep in contact with your team via mobile phones when necessary.